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Baby Name – Swipe & Match


’Baby Name – Swipe & Match’ makes it fun and easy to find the perfect name for the little one. With ’Baby Name – Swipe & Match’ you can find your child’s name among more than 44,000 Danish first names for girls and boys.

Swipe right to ‘like’ a name and swipe left to ‘ignore’ names you do not like. If you are connected with a partner* there will be a match when both you and your partner have liked the same name.

All first names that have been assessed or matched are sorted out on lists, so they are easy to see and return to. In addition, ’Baby Name – Swipe & Match’ has a range of optional criteria that can be used to limit the name selection such as gender, name length requirements or specific letters that must be included in the name.


• ’Baby Name – Swipe & Match’ includes +44,000 unique names and the database is regularly updated. As a free user, you have access to 200 names to try the app
• Use ’Baby Name – Swipe & Match’ on your own or match first names with a partner
• Keep track with name lists: “Matches” (list for names you have matched with a partner), “Stars” (list of names you particularly like and have given a star), “Likes” (list of names you like), and “Ignored ”(list of names you have ignored)
• Filter by girl, boys and / or unisex first names
• Filter and narrow the range of first names to specific letter(s) that the name should either begin with, be included in the name or end with
• Filter and limit the range of first names to the maximum or minimum number of letter (s) that the name should consist of
• Search function. You can search among all first names and manually add the first names you already like
• Statistics/counting function which allows you to keep track of how you progress
• Sort by popularity – choose whether you want first names shown by “most popular” or “least popular” first
• Alphabetical or random order – select whether you want first names shown in alphabetical or random order


You can try ’Baby Name – Swipe & Match’ where you automatically have free access to 200 popular first names in Denmark. If you choose to upgrade to the full version (one-time fee) you get access to the entire database with +44,000 approved first names in Denmark (updated regularly).

* Note! Purchase of full version with access to all approved first names in Denmark applies to ONE user. If you want to match first names with your partner, you must be aware that you both have to buy the full version. Baby Name – Swipe & Match is currently available for iPhone only.

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